Thursday, 23 November 2017

Koala Sanctuary in Australia: Effectively Contributing to the Environment

Animal’s rehabilitation projects are important as it keeps the eco system of the world in order. At least a quarter of world's animals are at the verge of extinction, which means a lot of reptiles,  mammals and amphibians all need our help for their survival. 

A sanctuary that has 30 years of experience, is working with injured sea life, birds and mammals. It is a non profit organisation which works on donations and volunteers. Koala Sanctuary in Australia  has helped thousands of animals in returning to their natural habitat after treatment of their injuries.

At the time of Ash Wednesday Bush fires in 1983, the sanctuary made tremendous efforts to protect, rescue and locate the shocked and burnt animals, and treated their wounds. And for this, the sanctuary was given a media coverage all over the world.

There are a huge amount of permanent residents now at the sanctuary like the mammals and birds, which have been pets for a long time and cannot be left in the wild as otherwise they, would become prey to the other wild life outside. 

The sanctuary also provides assistance and homes for people with special needs, disabled, aged and frail. Such people work voluntarily and are given works according to their respective physical and mental abilities. They work quietly to support and care for the animals. 

People who are disabled, but have an urge to help the animals are also encouraged. They are also provided with a wheelchair if needed. 

The project provides long hours of specialised care for animals, reptiles and birds, at the time of their arrival.  At the sanctuary special care is given to the permanent residents who cannot be released in the wild. 

Thus, senior keepers and carers are assisted by the volunteers for expert care, treatment and rehabilitation. 

These volunteers take care of about 250 animals .They have to undergo a lot of activities throughout the day like :- gardening, cleaning, general maintenance, cleaning enclosure, animal care , feeding,  interacting with the public , food preparation, exercising the animals, playing with the animals.

When we talk of a volunteer we need a person who is willing to work hard, must be fluent in English and should be genuinely willing to work and care for fragile and delicate animals. In fact he should be basically an animal lover. He should happily take directions from his seniors. Some of these set of qualities can prove to be of great help in the long run. 

Sometimes these volunteers get very emotionally attached to a sick animal and after working hard on him and making him strong enough for his release, is quite rewarding for them. But the ones who are not strong enough to be released need more attention and care for their survival.

When working with experienced like- minded people in the sanctuary, one needs to be physically and mentally strong to take the challenges of caring and supporting these speechless creatures. Passion and hard work is necessary for making a difference.